We celebrated our top DoJo point earners for the month of September at the Jammin Jaguar! Keep being a role model for your peers! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1weVGP_SQLxMkZ1P43FtwHJhLRTEOdlYa/view?usp=drivesdk
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
This week is Georgia Pre-K Week! Now in its 13th year, this weeklong annual event celebrates Georgia’s Pre-K Program, which has educated more than 2 million youth since it began over 30 years ago! GSCS has 22 pre-k classes totaling 456 pre-k students. Throughout the week, GSCS Central Office Administrators, Board of Education Members & Partners In Education will be reading this year's featured book, Cheer: A Book to Celebrate Community by Uncle Ian Aurora, in all of our pre-k classes. Pre-K Week raises awareness for the importance of quality early childhood education. Georgia’s Pre-K Program launched in 1992 as a small pilot program serving 750 four-year-old children in the state. Now, 31 years later, the lottery-funded program has laid a solid foundation for academic excellence and future success in the lives of more than 2 million children in Georgia.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
volunteer reading to prek class
volunteer reading to prek class
volunteer reading to prek class
adam pugh reading to prek students
Board member reading to prek students
superintendent reading to prek students
Board member reading to prek students
All students that meet the 95% attendance goal from October 5th to October 31st will get to participate in watching a movie on November 2nd at The Hill! Help us Strive for 95! #thehillwill
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Join GSCS this week in celebrating quality early learning for #GaPreKWeek!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
4 pre-k students
Attention Families: Here are some tips for pedestrian safety. Remember clocks will “fall back” one hour on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
kids walking across street
All GSCS schools will be closed October 9-13, 2023 for Fall break. Stay safe and enjoy the break!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Pumpkins and fall break dates
School pictures are coming home tomorrow with students who placed an order. If you did not order on picture day, you will receive a proof. If you’d like to order online, directions will be on the back of the package. I have also included the directions in the photo for reference.
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Today is National Custodial Appreciation Day and we have the best team!! We are so thankful for all their hard work at JHE! We are blessed! #thehillwill
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
This month is National Principals Month! Thank you GSCS principals for your visionary leadership and tireless pursuit of success for every staff and student. Celebrate and show your principal how much you appreciate them for all they do! #ThankAPrincipal
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
headshots of GSCS principals
Today, October 2, is National Custodial Worker Day and we want to recognize, celebrate and thank all of the amazing individuals who keep GSCS clean, maintained and operating smoothly! Our school custodians work hard and often behind the scenes or after hours. However, the results of their efforts are among the most critically important and highly recognizable things seen in our facilities. So, on National Custodial Workers Day, be sure to show your appreciation to the custodians who keep our schools and district clean!
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Save the date!! Student led conferences for K-5th grade are scheduled for Thursday, Oct 19th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwHjvKM7s/FPmtoyc6Vm_k2Kbb4_GQBA/edit?utm_content=DAFwHjvKM7s&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Boo Grams go on sale starting tomorrow! We will sell them the whole month of October to raise money for our JHE Needy Family Fund. Boo Grams are Tootsie Roll Pops decorated as ghosts. Students can purchase Boo Grams from their teacher for $1
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
boo gram
This morning Jordan Hill along with Atkinson and Crescent were celebrated by the State Superintendent, Richard Woods, for double digit gains in 3rd grade reading levels! Shout out to our 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Sullivan and the rest of the JHE staff for this joined effort and accomplishment. #thehillwill
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
We hope you'll join us tomorrow night for curriculum/literacy night! Come learn all about literacy, curriculum, and Lexile levels. We will have four 30 minute rotations from 4:30-6:30. See ya then!
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Today the JHE Media Center celebrates National Comic Book Day with the launching of Comics Plus, where students have access to hundreds of age appropriate comics free of charge. They can access Comics Plus from any device with a WiFi connection by clicking in the following link: https://jordanhillroadelementaryschoolga.librarypass.com . The students will use their Google credentials to log in! Happy reading!
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Artwork by our JHE students is now on display in the main exhibition building from Sept 22-30 at the Kiwanis Club Fair. Make sure to stop by and see their hard work!
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
Reminder: This Friday, Sept. 22, is an at-home learning day for all GSCS students.
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
at-home learning day Sept. 22
Last night we were recognized as the Spotlight School for September. Kindergartner, Dallis James, led the pledge and 5th grader, Brettley Hampton, called the meeting to order using the gavel. It was a night of celebration honoring our staff, students and parents. #thehillwill
over 1 year ago, Barbara Toborg
At the Sept. 19, board of education meeting Karen Goodman, Johnny Goodrum, June Lisle & Robin Samples were inducted into the Griffin-Spalding Educator Hall of Fame! They represent the 11th class of inductees. Congrats to these exemplary educators! Read the full story: https://5il.co/258pw
over 1 year ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
superintendent with Karen Goodman
superintendent with Wenomia Goodrum
superintendent with June Lisle
superintendent with Robin Samples